Preliminary design Railway infrastructure Danube Bridge 2 - nd |
Preparation of Technical design of the adjoining railway infrastructure to Danube Bridge 2. |
Design for renovation of railway line in the section Svoge station - Bov station by Alignment 1, Alignment 2, km. 33+070 to km. 41+950. |
Design for mechanized renovation of railway line in the section Trakia station - Scutare station from km. 6+770 to km. 17+205. Design for strengthening of a weak earth bed from km. 9+300 to km. 9+600. |
Working design: Repair of railway road With a partial change of elements from the substructure with draining measures in the wayside Batanovtsi station-Radomir station, Alignments 1 and 2 from km. 40+621 to km. 47+310 by V railway line. |
Design for renovation of a railway line in the section Bov station by Alignment 1, Alignment 2, km. 41+900 to km. 42+800 |
Permanent benchmarking Mezdra iztok - Strupets - Roman, Alignment 1 and Alignment 2 from km. 89+189 to km. 105+796. |
Design for optimization of the situation of equalizing devices of a bridge at km. 92+011 by Alignments 1 and 2 in the wayside Mezdra iztok-Strupets |
Preliminary and Working design of a track joint from the Drain installation of the Cleanse sulphur to the existing track development in TEZ "Maritza Iztok 2" EAD |
Design for a landslip strengthening in Breznik municipality - Dushintsi by Alignment IV 60518 km 14+300. |
Construction of a permanent benchmarking in the wayside Roman station - Kunino station, Alignment 1 from km. 108+598 to km. 117+711 |
Design for a landslip strengthening in Borovan municipality - Borovan village. |
Working design agricultural road Borovan village - Mogilata land, L=7.900 km |
Design for a landslip strengthening in Radomir municipality - Jitusha village, Alignment IV 62313 km. 1+980. |
Working design: New railway track towards North industrial zone - II part, Filipovo station. |
Design for a landslip strengthening in Radomir municipality - Goliama Fucha village, Alignment IV 60207 km. 4+300. |